
Friday, July 05, 2013

Steps To Take After Receiving A DUI In PA

The charges for DUI in PA are divided into three categories, and each category has three sub-sets of consequences depending on your previous record. If your blood alcohol content (BAC) is above 0.08%, you are considered intoxicated even if you show no other symptoms and pass the field sobriety test. Based on BAC there are three categories of DUI: 

1. 0.08% to 0.99% BAC also known as General Impairment
2. 0.10% to 0.159% BAC, this is considered High BAC
3. 0.16% or higher, this the highest BAC level with severe consequences

If you are a first time offender and are arrested for general impairment, you will get a $300 fine, have to attend alcohol highway safety school, be on six months’ probation, and will have to be treated if you are diagnosed with alcoholism. With repeat offenses and higher BAC percentage, you can be sentenced to five years of prison, $10,000 fine, one year in ignition lock, and will be charged with a 1st degree misdemeanor. 

What to do when charged with DUI? 

1. Get Bail

There is very little you can do from behind bars in terms of fighting any DUI charges. Due to this, before you do anything else, you will have to post bail so you can organize yourself and be ready for your court appearance.  

2. Contact a DUI Lawyer

While it may seem like a good idea to hire any random lawyer, a DUI lawyer is the only person on earth who can get you out of this jam. DUI lawyers have past experience in handling such cases, and they can get you the best deal, or even get the judge to dismiss the charges in some cases. A general defense lawyer may have years of experience, but having someone with direct experience and connections in the exact field is the best defense when it comes to preparation for any time of court case.

3. Keep up with your court appearances

You will have to appear before the district judge. You should immediately contact a legal representative that specializes in DUI cases, and should make sure you are there for the hearing. 

Not appearing in court can be the worst thing you do if you are facing DUI charges in PA, because that could imply you are running from the law, and a warrant can be issued in your name. Get a DUI Attorney, and make sure you are present in court whenever they ask you to be there. 

Understand the consequences

Getting charged with DUI in PA or in any other state can have severe consequences on your life. This kind of offense goes on your permanent record, and affects your ability to get a job and to drive. You could also end up doing jail time and receive heavy fines, in addition to the insurance rates on your car going up. However, you can make the best of a worst situation with the right legal representation, so drive safely and follow these steps if you are charged with DUI.

By Charles H., a part time blogger with a law degree, currently residing in western PA.