
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Second Semester of Law School Begins

How's your first semester? I hope that law school has been treating you right. Most students have received or seen their first sem grades by now. I'm pretty sure that getting even just a passing grade of 75% would make a law student jump for joy.

What if I failed on a subject in law school?

Failing is not the end of the world. So you flunked, you can take the subject again. But if you flunked more than one subject in one semester, I think it would be best to ask yourself first whether or not you're still interested in the course. Studying law is not a walk in the part and you have to remember that this is not just law school, it's also an investment. Every law student should instill in his brain that going to school for 3 hours (or more) everyday to attend the classes is unlike going to your elementary or high school classes. Remember that you enrolled in law school because you want to become a lawyer. You might have other reasons for enrolling but bear in mind that it's pointless to study law if you don't have that ultimate goal of becoming an A-T-T-Y.

Set your priorities right. You might say that it's good to study with a group of friends, one we commonly call as group studying. But is it really productive? Some people love to study in groups because it helps them cope with boredom. Sure, you can chat with your pals when you're fed up with your books, but do you monitor the amount of time you spend talking with your friends compared to the amount of time you spend on reading? Personally, group study is not as efficient as having your one-on-one time with your books. It's boring, right, but the assimilation of lessons are best done when you're not dividing your attention and focus between books and the latest gossip. Also, there is absolutely no group work in the bar examinations. Keep your friends close, they will help you preserve your sanity. But keep them at a distance during the time of study.

Make up your mind. If you're into law school because you're pressured to do it, then evaluate your self and think about what you really want. It wouldn't help you a single bit if you're not happy with what you do. Imagine yourself 5 or 10 years from now. If you think that being in law school will help you or will make you the person that you want to become in the future, then continue your studies. If it's otherwise, then I think it's better to stop that spend 4 years of wasting your life in a road that you don't even want to walk through.

Good luck on second sem!